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Committee Meeting minutes, 11th January 2024


In an effort to ensure full transparency on how the club is run, the minutes of committee meetings will be published on this website.

If you want to join the committee, then the club's Annual General Meeting is held in the first week of December, and all members are welcome to put themselves forward for any of the committee roles.

Meeting Start:- 7:30pm

Attendees:- Nick Cooper, Garry Atkins, Ian Knight, Billy Davies, Max Webber, Rupert Griffiths, Adam Daly, Neil Adlem, Simon Healey, Tonia Stewart, Barry Pointer.

Apologies:- Matt Buckley.

1). Welcome.

  • NC welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2). Past Minutes.

  • The minutes of the last committee meeting were accepted.

3). Matters Arising.

  • NC reported that a complaint had been made regarding riders in Wheelers Club kit were riding two abreast when the complainant was trying to overtake in their car.
  • NC has replied with a courteous email.

4). Racing Secretary. Ian Knight.

  • IK is waiting to hear back from Thruxton Circuit before finalising and publishing the 2024 racing itinerary.
  • TT's are scheduled for every Tuesday.
  • Discussion about potential new TT courses.
  • IK suggested a benefit to the club rides for safer riding on roads, would be training sessions, e.g. through and off, on a Thursday evening at Thruxton to enable riders not used to group riding get used to riding in close proximity to each other. IK said that he would like to charge for these sessions, which would be donated to the Air Ambulance Service. 

5). Secretary. Barry Pointer.

  • Nothing to report.

6). Treasurer. Garry Atkins.

  • GA is going to make contact with Nick Connell-Smith about the transfer to fully take on the Treasurer role.

7). Membership Secretary. Rupert Griffiths.

  • There have been 111 first claim memberships and 6 second claim renewals this year so far. 3 members from last year have said they are not renewing.
  • RG is away for approx 3 months until April.
  • It was suggested while RG is away NC and BP will look after membership renewals with a thank-you letter for joining and explaining when Rupert is back he will forward their membership card.

8). Clothing Officer. Neil Adlem.

  • New hoodies have had a few sales and more stock is ordered.
  • A skinsuit is under design from Nopinz.  A payment has been paid to them, so a design template will be produced and could be modified if necessary.

9). Welfare Officers. Tonia Stewart and Simon Healey

  • Nothing to report.
  • SH is waiting for his DBS check renewal to come through.

10). Communication Officer/Website Editor. Billy Davies.

  • BD released a preview of the new website on 10/01/2024 to committee members.
  • This a new-look website with a fresh new look is to be a central communication hub for what is going on regarding the club.
  • A lengthy discussion followed regarding how to promote club rides, and if the chaingang ride was to be included on the website; It was deemed that it should not be.

11). AOB.

  • TS said since coming back after a knee operation, she felt under pressure to take the Super Steadies due to a lack of other ride leaders. GA offered to try and recruit new ride leaders to alleviate the pressure to existing ride leaders.
  • IK suggested:
    • Promoting "After TTs" BBQs.
    • To hire the Suite at Thruxton to hold the 2024 club dinner and presentation.
    • Organising Calshott track sessions.

12). Next Meeting.

  • W/C 19/02/2024, (Possibly Thursday 22/02/2024).

Meeting ended:- 9:00pm